Sunday, January 27, 2013

computer Knowledge for Bank Exams

Keyboard shortcuts & Shortcut Description

Ctrl + A                                   = Select all (including text, graphics).
Ctrl + B                                   =Bold.
Ctrl + I                                    =Italic.
Ctrl + U                                  =Underline.
Ctrl + C                                  =Copy.
Ctrl + V                                   =Paste.
Ctrl + X                                   =Cut.
Ctrl + F                                   =Find.
Ctrl + Z                                   =Undo.
Ctrl + Y                                   =Redo.
Ctrl + P                                   =Open the print dialog.
Ctrl + K                                   =Insert link.
Ctrl + L                                   =Left align.
Ctrl + E                                   =Center align.
Ctrl + R                                   =Right align.
Ctrl + M                                  =Indent.
Ctrl + (left arrow)                  =Moves one word to the left.
Ctrl + (right arrow)               =Moves one word to the right.
Ctrl + (up arrow)                   =Moves cursor to the beginning of the paragraph.
Ctrl + (down arrow)             = Moves cursor to the end of the paragraph.
Ctrl + Shift + F                      =Change font.
Ctrl + Shift + *                       =View/hide non-printing characters.
Ctrl + Del                               =Deletes word to the right of cursor.
Ctrl + Backspace                 =Deletes word to the left of cursor.
Ctrl + End                              =Moves cursor to the end of document.
Ctrl + Home                          = Moves cursor to the beginning of document.
Ctrl + Spacebar                    =Reset highlighted text to the default font.
Ctrl + 1                                   =Single-space.
Ctrl + 2                                   =Double-space.
Ctrl + 5                                   =1.5-line.
Ctrl + Alt + 1                          = Format text: heading 1.
Ctrl + Alt + 2                          =Format text: heading 2.
Ctrl + Alt + 3                          =Format text: heading 3.
F1                                           =Help.
F4                                           =Repeat the last action
F5                                           =Go to .
F7                                           =Spelling and grammar.
F12                                         = Save as.
F8 then (left arrow)              =Increase selection to the left by one character
F8 then (right arrow)           =Increase selection to the right by one character
Ctrl + F1                                 =Task Pane.
Ctrl + F2                                 =Print preview.
Alt + Ctrl + F2                        =New document.
Shift + F3                               =Cycle between capitalized formats
Ctrl + Insert                           = Copy.
Shift + Insert                         = Paste.
Shift + End                            =Select from current position to the end of the line.
Shift + Home                        = Select from current position to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl + Shift + (left arrow)     =Select from current position to the beginning of the word.
Ctrl + Shift + (right arrow)   =Select from current position to the end of the word.
Ctrl + Shift + (up arrow)      =Select from current position to the
Shift + Page Up                   =One screen page up.
Shift + Page Down              = One screen page down.
Shift + F7                               =Thesaurus check selected text.
Shift + F12                            =Save.
Ctrl + Shift + F12                  = Print.
Alt + Shift + D                       =Insert the current date.
Alt + Shift + T                        =Insert the current time.

For Microsoft internet shortcuts:
F1                                           = Help.
F3                                           = Toggle on/off search panel.
F4                                           = Pull down address bar.
F5                                           = Refresh current page.
F6                                           = Move focus to address bar.
F11                                         =Toggle on/off full-screen mode
Alt + (Left Arrow)                  = Go back on history. Same pas Backspace
Alt + (Right Arrow)               = Go forward on history.
Ctrl + A                                   = Select All.
Ctrl + B                                   = Favorites.
Ctrl + C                                  = Copy Selected.
Ctrl + E                                   = Search panel.
Ctrl + F                                   = Find (on page).
Ctrl + H                                  = Toggle History panel.
Ctrl + I                                    = Toggle Favorites panel.
Ctrl + L                                   = Open File. Same as Ctrl + O
Ctrl + N                                  = Open New browser window.
Ctrl + P                                   = Print current page / frame.
Ctrl + R                                   = Refresh. Same as F5
Esc                                         = Stop (while page is loading).
Ctrl + Enter                            = Auto complete a url address.
Ctrl + D                                  = Add the current page to favorite.

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